
Overwhelmed by Your Martech Options? This Should Help.

Choosing the right marketing technology (martech) solution is one of the most important decisions a marketer has to make — and also the most nerve-racking. In recent years, the industry has exploded, with vendors encroaching on each other’s turf, jumping on the latest buzzwords and trends, and even creating new categories. You know you need […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty Data + Insights Strategy

Monthly Marketing Scout – As of June 2024

Ansira’s strategy team is continuously scouting the latest news, social chatter, and consumer behavior data for relevant industry, technology and Marketing trends from big-name brands. The Monthly Marketing Scout covers every marketing channel and industry vertical so you can learn about all the most news-worthy movements across topics like: Experiential Marketing Social Media Technology Cable […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty CX + Loyalty Data + Insights

The Value Benefits of Implementing a Preference Center

Unlock the power of the preference center with insights from Ansira’s former VP of Insights Kelly Hansen. Kelly explores how preference centers serve as a valuable data source for marketing activities, especially in light of increased privacy concerns and the demise of third-party cookies.   In this video, you’ll discover the three key benefits of implementing […]

Channel Data Management Customer Experience and Loyalty Data + Insights Digital Marketing User Experience

The Third-Party Cookie is on its Way Out: What Does it Mean?

Since the birth of the internet, third-party tracking cookies have been a part of everyone’s journey. As the internet has grown and consumers have become more aware of their digital footprint, discussions on user tracking and privacy have evolved into the deprecation of the third-party cookie.   With 63.3% of worldwide internet activity occurring in […]

Channel Data Management Customer Experience and Loyalty Strategy

Orchestrating Flawless Performance: The Power of Cross-Channel Media Activation

The conventional approach to media has evolved over the last decade. In the past, you would have traditional agencies that focused primarily on linear media. Those agencies are very labor intensive with little to no technology. And as a result, media attribution was extremely difficult to measure. On the flipside, you would have digital agencies […]

Channel Data Management CRM and Loyalty Data + Insights Local Marketing Activation

Preference Centers: The Key to Unlock Consumer’s Hearts 

There is a plethora of data out there on your consumers nowadays. Whether it be Zero, First, Second, or Third-Party data, it can be difficult to understand what is best to leverage for your specific consumer marketing needs. It can also be a challenge determining how to manage it, while maintaining compliance with privacy laws […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty Data + Insights Social Media Strategy Web Development

Digital Marketing Series: Tips and Tricks for Automotive Dealers [Part 2]

As a continuation of Part 1 of our Digital Marketing Series, John Houmis, Senior Vice President of Client Engagement and Experience, sat down for a Roundtable Q&A to address some hot-button digital marketing challenges that automotive dealers frequently face. In Part 2, Houmis provides more tips and tricks to help automotive dealers strategically improve their […]

Local Marketing Activation Strategy User Experience Web Development

Enhancing the User Experience on Your Website

In today’s landscape improving user experience (UX) can have a remarkable effect on your business’s growth. It’s no secret that websites now serve as virtual storefronts, it becomes crucial to grasp the significance of UX and apply effective strategies. Join us as we delve into the essential elements of elevating user experience on your website, […]

CX + Loyalty Loyalty Marketing Strategy

Winning Super Bowl LVII Strategies

The Super Bowl marketing playbook looks a little different from last year. From a major change in halftime sponsorship to ditching 30-second spots for influencer campaigns, brands adjusted to a shift in consumer mindset and the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Data + Insights Strategy

Your Marketing Investment in 2023

Tune in to this fireside chat with guest speaker, Forrester Principal Analyst Jay Pattisall and Ansira CMO Kelly Jo Sands. Hear how CMOs are investing budget during times of uncertainty and what levers can be pulled to drive results, including customer experience, media optimization, talent, and content driven by data intelligence.