Local Marketing Activation Strategy User Experience Web Development

Enhancing the User Experience on Your Website

In today’s landscape improving user experience (UX) can have a remarkable effect on your business’s growth. It’s no secret that websites now serve as virtual storefronts, it becomes crucial to grasp the significance of UX and apply effective strategies. Join us as we delve into the essential elements of elevating user experience on your website, […]

Data + Insights Performance Marketing

Implementing Engagement-Based Marketing

Imagine you’re back in the year 2000 and I told you that in 20 years, you’d be using email marketing to not only fuel your business engine, but you’d be leveraging it to learn more about your audience as well. Mind blown, right? Now, here we are in 2021, and despite all of the digital […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

7 Big Takeaways From Big Design 2019

How can brands evolve their user experience (UX) design to be more accessible to all? In what ways can augmented reality (AR) enhance a brand’s mobile experience? Can we overcome cognitive bias in research and design? Why does the quest for speed hurt good design? Ansira team members learned the answers to these and other […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Accessible Design: What’s Good for Consumers Is Good for Business

In the quest to evolve customers into loyalists, brands are challenged to create engaging digital experiences at every touchpoint. Digital form must meet real-world function, with the goal of making every consumer interaction clear, concise, and contextually relevant. But some consumers — those with disabilities — require special considerations, as outlined in regulations such as […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

3 Ways Automotive Brands Cause Customers to Hit the Brakes

The car-buying journey is a roller coaster of emotions for most consumers, whether the decision is made for happy reasons (I got a promotion!) or sad ones (I totaled my last car). Two high points bookend the experience: a rush of excitement when the hunt begins for the one and finally holding the keys. Before they step […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

8 Best Practices for Improving the Email User Experience

Email is the most prevalent channel for marketing communication, giving brands the power to inform, surprise and delight, and promote. But if it isn’t executed properly, email also has the power to chip away at hard-earned brand equity, leaving marketers to wonder what they could’ve done differently. From punchy preheaders to fast-loading images, here are […]