Data + Insights Digital Marketing User Experience

AI Generated Marketing Content: Advantages and Considerations

The integration of AI chatbots into marketing strategies has reshaped the landscape, empowering businesses with insights, personalization capabilities, and efficiency. Its use in content creation has elevated the frequency of marketing messaging and strengthened the connection between consumer and brand. Join us as we embark on an exploration into AI’s pivotal role in modern marketing, […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Local Websites and Marketing Strategy UX

Unleashing the Power of AI in Marketing: A Deep Dive into Ansira’s Adtech  Evolution

In the ever-evolving realm of marketing and marketing technologies, the convergence of tech and strategy has become more critical than ever. Ansira has stood at the forefront of this intersection, pioneering the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our adtech for over two decades. In an enlightening conversation, we spoke with Angie Cordova, Ansira’s VP […]

Channel Partner Marketing CRM and Loyalty Local Websites and Marketing

Era of the AI Prompt (Ansira’s Version)

If you ask someone to give an example of conversational artificial intelligence (AI), you will likely get more than a handful of ChatGPT mentions. Generative artificial intelligence, however, is not new — conversational is a form of generative AI.  The foundation for neural networks dates back to 1943 with the term, “Artificial Intelligence” and the […]

Data + Insights

A (Hopefully) Simple Intro to AI

If you search the internet today for anything related to AI, articles and conversations about ChatGPT and its counterparts dominate the landscape.  There is plenty to be said about the language-model AIs using some combination of algorithms and human-set parameters to respond in a way that sounds human. What we will attempt to do instead, […]


Quick Takes on Adobe Summit 2022

Didn’t have a chance to participate in Adobe Summit 2022? Don’t worry you can access the on-demand content all year long. Or you can read through our quick takes to grasp the essence of the 2022 content (note: some sessions such as training, celebrity interviews, and Live Q&A, are only available for 30 days post-event). […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

9 Trends for 2019 That QSR Brands Can’t Ignore

Customer expectations for service and experience have never been higher. Regardless of industry, consumers expect near perfection with every interaction, whether it’s a one-click pizza order or the ability to build a dream car online. A July 2018 study by research consulting firm BRP revealed that less than half of restaurants meet customer expectations for things like […]


How Marketers Can Make Smart Use of Artificial Intelligence

Marketers often confuse the terms machine learning, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), even using them interchangeably. They are interrelated but distinct, and those distinctions are important to consider. Understanding the nuances of these intelligence concepts can inform smart marketing decisions — and lead to solutions that meet business goals. What’s in a Name? Machine learning, […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Savvy Retailers Leverage Technology to Influence the Customer Journey

Retail brands carve out market share by delivering outstanding customer experiences. At the heart of each customer journey is technological innovation that delivers information to educate, delight, and persuade. Because today’s customers want insight and experiences, they expect to actively engage with the brand before buying. With a technology-driven engagement marketing strategy, retail brands can […]