Digital Marketing Email Marketing Local Marketing Activation Strategy

Best-In-Class Email Marketing Strategies

Discover the secrets to best-in-class email marketing strategies with Ansira’s SVP of Marketing Technology Richard Flores. As email marketing as become highly commoditized, Richard provides actionable tactics to help your brand break through the clutter and captivate your audience’s attention in today’s crowded inboxes.   In this video, Richard unveils the 4 Bs of Email Marketing:  […]

Data + Insights Digital Marketing Email Marketing

Mastering the Inbox: Email Marketing Strategies to Stand Out

The following information was sourced from Ansira’s The Channel Effect client summit that took place in February 2024. For more information about The Channel Effect, click here.  The evolution of email marketing has come a long way. In 2009, a Wall Street Journal article proclaimed the decline of email, overshadowed by the rise of social […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty CX + Loyalty Strategy

Email Marketing Strategy Playbook

This useful playbook is based on a presentation from EiQ 2023 in which Ansira’s VP of Strategy Renee Beard discusses the value of empathy in today’s email marketing campaigns. She touches on what empathy truly looks like when it comes to email marketing, how to connect with consumers on a deeper level, the ground rules […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing

Is Your Email Marketing Annoying Customers?

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with customers. However, emailing too often, and sending irrelevant content, are top causes of brand fatigue — and they can place perfectly pertinent emails smack inside the spam folder. How do you stay in front of customers without being overbearing or annoying? Here are […]

Channel Enablement Channel Partner Marketing

Partner Marketing: Rewards Program Use Case

A client in our technology portfolio was manually managing partner benefits on an internal platform and needed a dynamic digital tool to track partner changes and status. Ansira’s development team designed and created an online workflow that improved partner satisfaction, helped streamline the process, and allowed client admins to manage and support a much larger […]

Data + Insights Email Marketing Strategy

Generative AI for Email Subject Lines  

While artificial intelligence is an incredible technological advancement that has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of our lives, practical marketing applications can be just as transformative. AI-powered tools like Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Einstein are already enhancing marketing efforts by utilizing predictive analytics to create subject lines that resonate with specific audiences, increasing open rates […]

Local Marketing Activation Social Media Strategy UX

Adapting Automotive Marketing in a Shifting Landscape: Strategies for Dealers in 2024 

In an engaging Roundtable Q&A, Angie Cordova, Vice President of Product Management at Ansira, delves into the dynamic world of automotive marketing. With the industry facing seismic shifts due to a multitude of factors such as volatile inventory levels, elevated interest rates, technological advancements in marketing, and tight advertising budgets, dealers are grappling with the […]

Local Marketing Activation

Navigating Gmail and Yahoo’s New Email Sending Guidelines

Gmail and Yahoo will enforce new email sending guidelines starting February 1, 2024, which require subscriber protections for inboxes. Those impacted include bulk email senders who send more than 5,000 emails per day to Gmail and Yahoo subscribers. Email has always been a prime target for attackers, and unfortunately, simply encrypting message transfers between email […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Inbox Innovations: Strategies and Systems to Drive Email Engagement

Email is one of the most competitive landscapes in marketing communications. It’s also one of the most critical channels for marketers to drive valuable customer engagement. When producing email campaigns for today’s inbox, there’s a lot of opportunity to streamline efficiencies from content creation to testing to scaling, and one of the most effective ways […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty CX + Loyalty Strategy

7 Tangible Ways to Integrate Empathy into Marketing Campaigns Today EiQ 2023 Session Recording

In this presentation recording from EiQ 2023, Ansira’s VP of Strategy Renee Beard discusses the value of empathy in today’s email marketing campaigns. She touches on what empathy truly looks like when it comes to email marketing, how to connect with consumers on a deeper level, the ground rules for getting started, and seven practical […]