
Restaurants: The Lasting Power of Technology + Human Engagement to Drive Growth

According to a recent National Restaurant Association, Restaurant Industry Tracking Survey – May 2020: “73 percent of restaurant operators said they expect their sales volume in six months will be lower than it was during the same period in the previous year. Only 17 percent of operators think their sales in six months will be […]

CX + Loyalty Local Marketing Activation Performance Marketing

Thinking Ahead: Planning for Recovery

We, at Ansira, have spent the last few weeks helping our clients through tough transitions in their business. From developing new e-Commerce strategies and innovative campaigns, to rapidly updating email triggers and deploying cross-channel loyalty promotions, to helping pivot their national media spend to amplify local messages and creating compelling content focused on awareness and engagement. While we are still firmly in the middle of #5, “Restricted […]

Channel Partner Marketing CX + Loyalty Local Marketing Activation

Taking Care of Your Customers and Partners in the Wake of COVID-19

For brands with a distributed sales model, the projected shift in consumer purchasing patterns, especially, at a local level, will be significant in the coming weeks to months. Today’s sensitive landscape calls for an equally sensitive approach to the way brands interact with customers and how they provide experiences. However, now is the time to […]


Overwhelmed by Your Martech Options? This Should Help.

Choosing the right marketing technology (martech) solution is one of the most important decisions a marketer has to make — and also the most nerve-racking. In recent years, the industry has exploded, with vendors encroaching on each other’s turf, jumping on the latest buzzwords and trends, and even creating new categories. You know you need […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Loyalty Marketing Performance Marketing Strategy

Multichannel Orchestration: The Key to Customer Engagement

The Expectation Age has upended how brands market to consumers. The era of the empowered buyer has put even greater pressure on brands with direct and indirect sales channels. How can they provide seamless customer experiences when data is siloed, messages get lost in the ecosystem, and experience competitors now threaten their business? To explore […]

Channel Partner Marketing CX + Loyalty Local Marketing Activation Performance Marketing Strategy

How to Succeed in the Expectation Age

Whether purchasing a cup of coffee or a fully loaded car, people expect outstanding experiences every time. We’ve grown enthusiastically reliant on technology to make our brand interactions richer and more satisfying. We can opt in or opt out. We can decide how and when we want to receive offers. We can even shape the […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Performance Marketing Strategy

The Key to Unlocking Profitability in the Brand-to-Local Ecosystem

Today, nothing is more important to a customer than the experience; it can make or break brand affinity and loyalty. Because disruptors such as Amazon, Dollar Shave Club, and Warby Parker have heightened buyers’ expectations for every interaction, brands are no longer threatened solely by companies within their industries. Experience competition is real. Now consider that customers make no […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation

Why Channel Marketing Requires a Brand-to-Local Approach

In the Expectation Age, consumers demand frictionless experiences, whether they’re asking Alexa to deliver a pizza, using an app to summon a ride, or building their dream car online. Brands that meet these heightened expectations will win market share. Those that don’t will see their customers disappear. The complexities of the Expectation Age surge for […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing

The Benefits of Bots

Consumers consult Siri for answers, order a pizza from Alexa, and chat with Erica about a bank balance, putting a familiar name to responsive artificial intelligence (AI). In marketing, AI technology is gaining traction in the form of bots, computer programs that seamlessly complete automated tasks. By providing specific information in real time, bots help brands […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

9 Trends for 2019 That QSR Brands Can’t Ignore

Customer expectations for service and experience have never been higher. Regardless of industry, consumers expect near perfection with every interaction, whether it’s a one-click pizza order or the ability to build a dream car online. A July 2018 study by research consulting firm BRP revealed that less than half of restaurants meet customer expectations for things like […]