CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Why Every Brand Must Be an Experience-Driven Business

By 2020, price and quality won’t be competitive differentiators for brands. So why would someone choose your business over another? Because of the customer experience. Marketing experts have long touted customer-centricity as a sticky factor for loyalty and retention. But how does a brand actually define what a great customer experience means? As the number of […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

The Urgency of Multicultural Marketing

Across 21 of the 25 major U.S. markets, 84% of consumers are multicultural. This equates to an enormous $4.3 trillion in consumer buying power. By 2044, the nation’s three largest multicultural groups — Hispanics, African Americans, and Asians — will become the new majority within the U.S. population. This multicultural shift is more than “skin […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Performance Marketing Strategy

The Modern Approach to Captivating Customers

Attracting, engaging, and retaining customers is never easy. Brands must manage customer relationships with relevant, timely data. They have to keep customers hooked and invested with the right content delivered at the right time and through the right channel. And, to be consistently effective, companies in the brand-to-local ecosystem must ensure every partner in the distribution stream […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation

How to Solve 6 Common Channel Partner Marketing Challenges

National brands with distributed sales or indirect revenue streams often need assistance with local marketing efforts. Channel partners such as franchisees, distributors, or resellers may be the best at what they do, but most aren’t trained marketers. They need guidance and resources to successfully promote products and services to customers — and to market the […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

12 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Is Doomed to Fail

Content marketing gets a lot of buzz these days, but it’s hardly a new idea. (More than a century ago, John Deere, Jell-O, and Michelin were all killing it with content.) You’ve probably decided that content marketing has to play an integral role in your marketing strategy. And maybe you’ve tried a few things, but […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Uncategorized

What Channel Partners Should Ask Their National Brand

Did you know that by some industry accounts, up to half of available co-op and market development funds (MDF) sit around collecting dust every year? For national brands looking to empower channel partners, this statistic is depressing. But for channel partners looking to increase revenue, this could be exciting. Available funds mean that national companies recognize the […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing

Is Your Email Marketing Annoying Customers?

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with customers. However, emailing too often, and sending irrelevant content, are top causes of brand fatigue — and they can place perfectly pertinent emails smack inside the spam folder. How do you stay in front of customers without being overbearing or annoying? Here are […]

Performance Marketing Strategy

An SEO Content Checklist for Mastering Your Marketing Messages

How does search engine optimization (SEO) impact your marketing messages? Through keyword research, brands can identify the words and phrases people use in their online searches to inform the brand’s website and campaigns for maximum marketing return on investment (ROI). Ongoing content development is also imperative to SEO. By creating relevant content that’s updated and […]

CX + Loyalty Strategy

6 Metrics for Measuring Loyalty Program Success

Editor’s note: A more recent post, 4 Ways to Measure the Value of Your Loyalty Program, is a great companion to read with this piece as it showcases how thinking has evolved specific to Loyalty Program design and implementation. Read below to get a sense of what was critical in 2018, and then take a […]

CX + Loyalty Strategy

Customer Experience or Human Experience: What’s More Important in Marketing?

“Customer experience” describes the marketing journey a person takes when interacting with a brand. Although every journey is different, there’s one common element: the human factor. By looking at marketing through the lens of the human experience, rather than the customer experience only, the brand can enrich and lengthen its relationship with the customer, leading to greater profitability. […]