CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Content Audit: The Content Marketer’s Best Friend

It’s difficult to know where to go when you don’t know where you’ve been. Although marketers understand the importance of having a content strategy, often they don’t know where to start. This is precisely why a comprehensive content audit is so valuable. What Exactly Is a Content Audit? A content audit is the brand’s looking […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation

3 Different Approaches to Co-op Advertising

Brands and their channel partners put enormous effort into the creation of their co-op advertising guidelines to ensure everyone plays by the same rules. At the heart of every decision is one overarching goal: return on investment (ROI) for each distributor and retailer. Getting the most out of a co-op advertising account depends on a […]

Performance Marketing

Digital Media Hasn’t Crushed Traditional. But the Power Has Shifted.

Serial shows, music streaming, and entertainment services are gobbling up market share from traditional media at a breakneck pace. With so much content being consumed though digital devices, advertisers and marketers need to pivot to meet consumers where they spend the most time: online. The Digital Marketing Evolution With streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, and […]


Blockchain Startups Offer Promise for the Marketing Industry

No doubt you’ve heard about blockchain technology in the context of Bitcoin, the cyber currency that has promised to disrupt the way we currently contextualize and spend currency. Bitcoin is made possible through blockchain technology, an encrypted, indestructible virtual ledger shared among peers without a central authority governing their actions. What makes blockchain so interesting […]

Performance Marketing

The Sleeping Ad Giant

Facebook and Google made up a combined 58.5% of all U.S. digital ad dollars spent in 2017, according to eMarketer. Despite brand safety issues, data leakage concerns, and other recent complications, this digital duopoly is projected to continue to see applicable revenue increases for the next several years. However, AT&T might just be the dark […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Attribution: A New Mandate for Marketers

The marketer’s role is evolving. In addition to creating and executing effective campaigns, a critical part of the job is demonstrating the link between sales and a specific channel, message, customer action, or technology. Today, marketing attribution — giving credit for the sale to a specific touchpoint — has become a new mandate for success. […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Omnichannel Orchestration: The Gold Standard of Engagement Marketing

A conductor would never instruct every musician in the orchestra to play the same songs with the same notes at the exact same time. With little harmony or texture, the music would become a snooze fest, and patrons would leave the venue uninspired. So why do marketers run same-note campaigns across channels? Successful campaigns draw […]

Performance Marketing Strategy

7 Biggest Mistakes Brands Make With Social Media

Many brands treat social media as a disparate marketing channel, never leveraging its full potential to drive business results. With countless advertising opportunities and in-the-moment messaging capabilities, social media might be the most powerful communication channel to ever exist. They key is to use social media wisely. From informing decisions based on inaccurate customer assumptions to […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing

5 Steps to a Successful Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Companies don’t want to spend money on people who aren’t interested in their brand. Instead, they want to find people who are engaged — and talk to them in relevant ways. Some marketers make decisions based on assumptions or experience, and they may get lucky with the results. However, a marketing strategy driven by statistical […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

You Want the Real Truth About Your Customers? Look at the Transactional Data.

For decades, brands have relied on market research to shape strategy and test theories about what customers want. Sometimes marketers go with their gut. Sometimes they scale up a successful strategy. But today, data intelligence has paved the way for brands to analyze consumer behavior with a specificity that unveils what customers are doing at […]