Local Marketing Activation Strategy

EV and The Customer Experience 

Purchasing an electric vehicle is more complicated than a traditional car purchase. Consumers do their research in order to make sure an EV will work for them. EV Box analyzed the obstacles to EV Adoption with consumers and found there were 3 main areas of concern: 47% of consumers are concerned with charging availability, 46% […]

Local Marketing Activation Strategy

Leverage Google Vehicle Ads in Your Digital Strategy 

Zero-click search results for everyday shopping items drive traffic to the products people want, and this year at NADA, Google announced a product that helps dealers take advantage of this shopping behavior.  Google Vehicle Listing Ads (VLAs) give dealers the ability to market vehicles right on the search results page. These ads are highly visible […]


The Connection Between Behavioral Science and Customer Experience: Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our behavioral science series! If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, check it out here for some helpful background information and context. As promised, we are exploring three more behavioral science concepts within the context of marketing and customer experience (CX). We’ll cover inertia, choice architecture, and choice overload, including […]

Local Marketing Activation Strategy

Earn Leads Using Your In-Transit Vehicles 

Heading into the second quarter of 2022, after a few months of somewhat normalcy, we’re seeing the return of mandatory shutdowns in China and the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Both of which cause more complications for an already stressed global supply chain, especially when it comes to car manufacturing. Here are our hottest […]

Data + Insights

Google Whisperer’s Guide to Touchpoints in Google Analytics 4

Since their announcement in October 2020, Google has touted the increased attribution reporting as one of the major benefits of Google Analytics 4. Specifically, they called out the introduction of cross-channel data driven attribution. This is great to read, but what does it really mean in our day-to-day work? That’s where the Google Whisperer comes in. […]

Local Marketing Activation

Maximize Your Inventory Listings

Are you confident that your digital storefront is making the best first impression for your shoppers? With almost 69% of Americans purchasing an item online, your dealership website is not your shoppers’ first digital shopping experience. Is your inventory merchandised in a way that appeals to your consumers? Your search results and vehicle details pages […]


The Connection Between Behavioral Science and Customer Experience: Part 1

Behavioral science concepts help to explain why people take certain actions in specific situations. Books like Nudge (R. Thaler & C. Sunstein) have made behavioral science more popular across business leaders, government agencies, and the general public. Many of the concepts have been used to try to help people make better life choices (e.g., pay […]

Data + Insights

5 Steps for Choosing the Right CDP for Your Business

So, you are thinking about implementing a Customer Data Platform. You have heard about them, done some research on them, and maybe you have even seen a few demos. Now what? The more you look into it, the more questions you have. The more questions you have, the more research you do. But between the […]

Channel Partner Marketing

From Gas to Electric: Dealer Assistance Required

While electric vehicles (EVs) represented less than 2% of new car sales in the U.S. in 2020, few will argue that EVs are a passing fad. IHS Markit predicts that EVs will grow to 10% of new car sales by 2025. Many automakers have already rolled out electric vehicles, and many others are planning to […]

CX + Loyalty

Coming to a Store Near You. Top 5 Trends of 2021.

Digital channels got us through the height of the pandemic, often over-performing in a world where online experiences replaced face-to-face communication. And digital channels will see us through the end of these challenging times, as businesses and consumers get back to normal — albeit a new kind of normal. Interested in learning more? We’ve partnered […]