Digital Marketing Local Websites and Marketing User Experience Web Development

The Importance of Optimizing Your Website for Mobile

Mobile device usage is at an all-time high. Most of us always have our device within arm’s reach. This device convenience means it is as crucial as ever for businesses to ensure their mobile website has everything site visitors need. To underscore the point, in Quarter 4 of 2023, nearly 70% of the traffic to […]

Customer Experience and Loyalty Data + Insights Digital Marketing Local Websites and Marketing

Customer Retention Strategies for Reducing Churn and Increasing Loyalty

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, it’s a good time to take stock of the value of attraction, affection and yes, brand love. Just like in our personal relationships, brands that are looking to build lasting and meaningful customer relationships need to invest time and energy into getting to know their customers’ needs, wants, and […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Local Websites and Marketing Strategy UX

Unleashing the Power of AI in Marketing: A Deep Dive into Ansira’s Adtech  Evolution

In the ever-evolving realm of marketing and marketing technologies, the convergence of tech and strategy has become more critical than ever. Ansira has stood at the forefront of this intersection, pioneering the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our adtech for over two decades. In an enlightening conversation, we spoke with Angie Cordova, Ansira’s VP […]

Local Marketing Activation Local Websites and Marketing User Experience Web Development

Website Experience Back to Basics

As we head into the end of the year, it’s a great time to get back to basics when it comes to your website and the experience you provide to your shoppers. Chances are good that you visit your company’s website weekly, if not daily. That most likely holds true for many of your client-facing […]

Channel Partner Marketing CRM and Loyalty Local Websites and Marketing

Era of the AI Prompt (Ansira’s Version)

If you ask someone to give an example of conversational artificial intelligence (AI), you will likely get more than a handful of ChatGPT mentions. Generative artificial intelligence, however, is not new — conversational is a form of generative AI.  The foundation for neural networks dates back to 1943 with the term, “Artificial Intelligence” and the […]