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The Importance of Optimizing Your Website for Mobile

Mobile device usage is at an all-time high. Most of us always have our device within arm’s reach. This device convenience means it is as crucial as ever for businesses to ensure their mobile website has everything site visitors need. To underscore the point, in Quarter 4 of 2023, nearly 70% of the traffic to websites hosted on Ansira’s website platform came from mobile devices and two-thirds of all return visits came from mobile.

Website strategy can approach mobile devices in one of three ways: responsive, dynamic/adaptive, or separate websites. All Ansira website platform client sites are responsive – meaning the same site content and meta data no matter the device it is being accessed on. This strategy allows users to add content and configure pages once without the need to optimize for mobile separately. Websites using a dynamic approach where unique HTML is delivered to different device types, or a separate mobile website, must ensure special attention is paid to mobile-optimized meta data.

Google prioritizes what they call mobile-first indexing where their smartphone agent crawls and indexes the mobile version of a website. This means any desktop-specific Search Engine Optimization (SEO) configurations could be wasted if that same optimization is not completed on the mobile version.

Content consistency is not only important for Google and other search bots, but for consumers and customers as well. Consumers visiting a site expect a speedy and beautifully designed website no matter the device they are using – tablet, mobile, desktop. They also expect the mobile website to be robust and enable the same interactions as the desktop version. Someone viewing a website on their phone in the evening expects to see the same information when they view the website on their laptop the next day. Resist the urge to make specific content just for mobile or desktop devices. User confusion is a quick way to lose a customer to a competitor.

When crafting your website strategy, think of the different use cases or reasons for a consumer or customer to be visiting your site. Consider a responsive website for content and meta data consistency. Optimize the website and streamline content to prevent users from over-scrolling to find information. Website speed is crucial on mobile, with even a one-second delay in mobile load times impacting conversion rates by up to 20%.

Now, pick up your phone and check out your mobile website –do you think it meets the expectations of consumers today? If not, Ansira is here to help ensure your website is optimized for desktop and mobile usage. Contact us today to get started.

By Kayla Drewry

Kayla Drewry is a website expert with over 11 years of experience in the digital marketing space. As the Director, Product Manager for the Ansira Edge Website Platform, her teams focus on the development of innovative solutions to ensure stable and performant consumer websites.