Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation Uncategorized

What Channel Partners Should Ask Their National Brand

Did you know that by some industry accounts, up to half of available co-op and market development funds (MDF) sit around collecting dust every year? For national brands looking to empower channel partners, this statistic is depressing. But for channel partners looking to increase revenue, this could be exciting. Available funds mean that national companies recognize the […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Content Audit: The Content Marketer’s Best Friend

It’s difficult to know where to go when you don’t know where you’ve been. Although marketers understand the importance of having a content strategy, often they don’t know where to start. This is precisely why a comprehensive content audit is so valuable. What Exactly Is a Content Audit? A content audit is the brand’s looking […]


What GDPR Means for Brands

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a reminder to brands that protecting personal data is a serious business. The global rule, which went into effect on May 25, 2018, governs the way companies process the personal data of European users. Brands that don’t comply can face a hefty fine of up to 4% of […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation

4 Proven Brand-to-Local Marketing Tips

Because most customer experiences are local, brands have to align with their channel partners to ensure promotions, advertising, and marketing resonate at the local level. Providing channel partners with the right marketing tools, like through channel marketing automation or TCMA puts them in the best position to deliver outstanding customer experiences — and ultimately drive more […]

Channel Partner Marketing Local Marketing Activation

How Brands Empower Channel Partners to Market Locally

Brands that rely on channel partners for local marketing efforts often face the following issues: Disparate processes and programs for advertising and co-op fund management A lack of visibility into partner advertising and promotional spend Inadequate advertising and business rules compliance Inefficient reporting and planning, which adversely affect budgeting Ineffective marketing program oversight with little […]

CX + Loyalty Performance Marketing Strategy

Why Content Matters in Retail Marketing

In today’s retail environment, consumers are hungry for information. They want to know more details about products and services, they want to actively participate in the brand, and they want an experience they can’t get anywhere else. So, they consult videos, photos, and online commentary. They leverage innovation and technology to see the product in […]

Channel Partner Marketing

How to Solve 5 Channel Marketing Problems With 1 Tool

Brands with channel partners need to market locally, but they often run into challenges. One of the biggest on the list: partners not having on-demand access to brand-approved assets. Without oversight, channel partners may use obsolete assets or ones they create on their own. This non-compliance can damage brand equity and compromise the customer experience. […]