Channel Data Management Customer Experience and Loyalty Strategy

Orchestrating Flawless Performance: The Power of Cross-Channel Media Activation

The conventional approach to media has evolved over the last decade. In the past, you would have traditional agencies that focused primarily on linear media. Those agencies are very labor intensive with little to no technology. And as a result, media attribution was extremely difficult to measure. On the flipside, you would have digital agencies […]

Channel Data Management Channel Enablement Channel Partner Marketing

Leveraging Segmentation for a Transformative Partner Experience

The following information was sourced from Ansira’s The Channel Effect client summit that took place in February of 2023 and is the follow-up to the previously posted blog, [Aligning the Partner Experience: A Journey Towards a Strong Ecosystem]. For more information about The Channel Effect 2024, click here. In today’s dynamic business landscape, fostering successful […]

Channel Data Management Channel Enablement Channel Partner Marketing

Aligning the Partner Experience: A Journey Towards a Strong Ecosystem

The following information was sourced from Ansira’s The Channel Effect client summit that took place in February of 2023. For more information about The Channel Effect, click here. In the ever-evolving business landscape, the concept of partner ecosystems has emerged as a game changer for companies. What was once considered a buzzword has now become […]