Customer Experience and Loyalty CX + Loyalty Data + Insights Loyalty Marketing

Redesigning Your Loyalty Program for Relevance and Results with the Right Strategy

Are you struggling to keep your customers engaged with your loyalty program? If your program is too complicated, fails to resonate with customers on a personal level, is no longer contributing to business goals, or has simply grown stale over time, it might be due for a refresh.

In this special edition webinar hosted by industry partner Loyalty360, Ansira’s VP of Strategy Melissa Pringle and Sr. Director of Strategy Kristin Cardona sit down with Loyalty360 CEO Mark Johnson to discuss key factors to consider when redesigning your loyalty strategy to create maximum impact, motivate engagement, and strengthen member retention. We’ll help you unlock the secrets to a loyalty program that keeps customers coming back for more.

Key takeaways include:

  • How to revisit your technology to align with program goals
  • Ways to optimize your data for success
  • Useful tactics to evolve your program
  • How to assess your financial metrics and ROI

For assistance with evaluating and redesigning your loyalty program to boost engagement and brand advocacy, contact us today. To check out more content from Ansira related to loyalty, click here.