Channel Data Management CRM and Loyalty Data + Insights Local Marketing Activation

Preference Centers: The Key to Unlock Consumer’s Hearts 

There is a plethora of data out there on your consumers nowadays. Whether it be Zero, First, Second, or Third-Party data, it can be difficult to understand what is best to leverage for your specific consumer marketing needs. It can also be a challenge determining how to manage it, while maintaining compliance with privacy laws […]

Channel Partner Marketing CRM and Loyalty Local Websites and Marketing

Era of the AI Prompt (Ansira’s Version)

If you ask someone to give an example of conversational artificial intelligence (AI), you will likely get more than a handful of ChatGPT mentions. Generative artificial intelligence, however, is not new — conversational is a form of generative AI.  The foundation for neural networks dates back to 1943 with the term, “Artificial Intelligence” and the […]