Customer Experience and Loyalty CX + Loyalty Data + Insights

The Value Benefits of Implementing a Preference Center

Unlock the power of the preference center with insights from Ansira’s former VP of Insights Kelly Hansen. Kelly explores how preference centers serve as a valuable data source for marketing activities, especially in light of increased privacy concerns and the demise of third-party cookies.  

In this video, you’ll discover the three key benefits of implementing a preference center:

  • Collecting valuable data
  • Deepening connections and loyalty with customers
  • Targeting marketing efforts 

If you need guidance with using preference centers to effectively collect and make the most of your data, reach out to Ansira’s team today. For more Ansira content related to preference centers, click here.

This video was previously recorded at Ansira’s The Channel Effect client summit that took place in February 2024. For more information about The Channel Effect, click here.