Channel Enablement Channel Partner Marketing

Partner Marketing: Rewards Program Use Case

A client in our technology portfolio was manually managing partner benefits on an internal platform and needed a dynamic digital tool to track partner changes and status. Ansira’s development team designed and created an online workflow that improved partner satisfaction, helped streamline the process, and allowed client admins to manage and support a much larger volume of partner marketing activity and corresponding benefit rewards.

The Challenge

The client’s original process was manual, inefficient, and had no reporting of tracked changes or asset approval process, which led to poor partner satisfaction. In addition, the client was sunsetting their internal platform and only had a few months to relaunch to maintain program continuity for partners.

The Solution

Ansira leveraged existing channel partner marketing functionality to create a seamless partner experience by building a customized benefit management workflow system that integrates with the client’s reward program.

Partner access to the system is governed by role-based permissions for partners and client team. Ansira’s global partner delivery team provides technical support to the client and their partners during local business hours via email and chat.

Through this new system, there are 79 different benefit types available to partners. Each fall into four main categories of product, blog post, co-sell solution finder listing, and press release. To utilize the benefit workflow, partners simply initiate a benefit request, create a marketing tool/co-sell asset, submit the benefit request for the tool, and track the progress of approval.


Within the first six months of relaunch the benefits completed and published increased by 258%, partner activity grew by 59%, and the number of benefits started or in progress went up by 63%. In addition, client admin satisfaction improved by 91%. Overall, this new system improved the partner experience through an easy to follow and transparent workflow and allowed client admins to manage partner benefits more efficiently and devote more time to help partners promote their solutions.

If you’re needing assistance to streamline or retool how you communicate and support your channel partner relationships and partner marketing programs, reach out to our team of experts.

To dive deeper into the revenue growth opportunity that is generated by distributed partner marketing ecosystems, check out these resources: