Digital Marketing Local Marketing Activation Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategies to Win Locally

Maintaining enterprise level brand compliance while still allowing flexibility and customization at the local level is a challenging balancing act, but one that is critical to success. Driving traffic to local websites is the initial goal but converting those visitors to brand-loyal customers is the long-term objective. Join VP of Product Management Angie Cordova and Director of Sales Enablement Erin Zaborac as they take you through several examples of winning digital tactics that not only highlight your brand but also enhance the customer experience for shoppers.

Key actionable insights will include:

  • Establishing brand recognition and equity while standing apart from the competition
  • Supporting the customer journey with national and local content
  • Promotional content and inventory merchandising to increase lead conversion

If you need help with digital marketing strategies to outpace the competition in your local market, contact our team today.