Local Marketing Activation Media Planning and Buying

What the Fee? A Media Buyer’s Practical Guide to Understanding Local Media Fees

Here’s the deal: national and local media fees don’t operate on the same playing field. While national media might get more of the limelight, local media holds its own by being incredibly targeted and impactful. But that focus comes with a higher cost. So, why exactly are local media fees higher? 

Economies of Scale: Bigger Isn’t Always Better 

When buying national media, advertisers work with single point partners, perhaps a large TV network, or a digital platform that casts a wide net. Because national advertisers are buying in bulk, these media outlets can afford to offer competitive, lower rates per impression.  

Local media, on the other hand, is working with much smaller budgets, and—get this—thousands of different partners- all with local nuances. With smaller audiences to reach, the cost per ad is naturally higher. They simply don’t have the same economies of scale. 

But here’s where Ansira comes in. Our team has established strong relationships with local media vendors, enabling us to negotiate on your behalf, often getting better rates than you might expect—especially when dealing with smaller, targeted markets. 

Audience Size: Fewer Eyeballs, Higher Value 

National media buys reach millions of viewers or readers at once. This means that the cost per impression (CPM) is lower—more eyeballs for less money. But it’s also often broader and less tailored. Think of national media like a billboard: it’s going to hit everyone on the freeway, whether they’re interested or not. 

Local media? Well, that’s more like a personal invitation. You’re paying for precision: hitting the right people at the right time. Fewer eyeballs, but far more valuable ones. And that’s exactly why you’re paying more. 

Here’s a quick example: Let’s say you’re spending $1,000 on a local digital campaign with an 18% fee. You’re paying $180 in fees, leaving $820 in media spend. Sure, that might seem steep compared to national buys, but that $820 is working harder—reaching the very people you want. 

The Art of Targeting: The Right People at the Right Time 

Local campaigns aren’t just about hitting a smaller audience—they’re about hitting the right audience. National campaigns are like casting a wide net, whereas local campaigns are precision-tuned to specific audience behaviors, needs, and even down to the community level. 

At Ansira, we dive deep into audience insights, analyzing behavioral and psychographic details to ensure we’re targeting the people who matter most to your brand. This level of granularity requires a lot of work—building the ideal target, optimizing bids, and ensuring you’re getting the best ROI possible. This is part of why local fees are higher, but you’re not just paying for ad space—you’re paying for results. 

Supply and Demand: It’s a Local Bidding War 

One thing we often hear on sales calls is, “Why is local media so expensive?” Let’s clear this up: local markets have fewer ad spots and more competition for them. That’s right, it’s a bidding war. 

On the national stage, there’s far more inventory, meaning lower bids and more ad slots to go around. But on the local level? It’s like trying to get concert tickets for that sold-out show—everyone’s vying for the same few spots, which means prices go up. 

At Ansira, our team works hard to manage this for you, pulling availability reports, making sure your ads are well-positioned, and negotiating fiercely with local reps (not rep firms) to secure the best opportunities. 

So, What’s Covered in Those Local Fees? 

We get it — 18%* seems steep. But here’s what you’re getting in return for that fee: 

  • Audience insights: We analyze local data to build campaigns that hit the right people at the right time. 
  • Media optimization: We constantly refine bids, publishers, and audiences to ensure top performance. 
  • Proactive recommendations: We don’t just set it and forget it. We continuously refine media execution to get you better results. 
  • Exclusive local opportunities: First access to local deals your competitors may not even know about. 
  • Post-campaign analysis: We’re talking near-perfect post-buy and AV analysis, with a 100% post requirement (vs. industry standard of 90%). 

In short, local fees cover more than just media buying—they cover strategy, optimization, relationship management, and constant improvement. 

Final Thoughts: The Local Advantage 

At the end of the day, local media is more expensive because it’s more effective for specific targeting. It’s the difference between shouting your message to the masses and whispering it into the right ears. And when you’re trying to grow your business in a particular market, those whispers are far more valuable. 

So, the next time you see that local media fee, remember—you’re not just paying for impressions. You’re paying for expertise, precision, and the kind of local knowledge that turns campaigns into successes. 

*Discounts available based on annual spending commitments. Speak to your Client Partnership Team for more information.

By Lauren Bermudez

Lauren Bermudez is the Vice President of Sales Operations at Ansira, where she leads a team of solutions consultants and sales operations professionals, driving both new and organic growth for the company. She joined Ansira after its acquisition of SproutLoud in July 2024. With over a decade of experience in marketing technology, Lauren previously served as Solutions Director at SproutLoud. She also has extensive experience in Local Partner marketing, Client Relationship Management, and SaaS onboarding support for Fortune 500 and mid-market clients. Before starting her career with SproutLoud in 2012, Lauren held various roles in New York City, including positions in magazine publishing, Yoga/Pilates studio administration, and was the original female vocalist and lead egg shaker in the band "Sampson and the Folkadelics."